Moderator Application
CamaroZ28.Com was founded by Camaro enthusiasts, and built for Camaro enthusiasts. Without that as core fundamentals, this site would not be the community that it is today. In addition, without the assistance of our forum Moderator Team, this community would have lost focus and direction.
All CamaroZ28.Com Moderators volunteer their time and efforts to ensure that the community continues that focus and direction. They are not here to control the community but to guide it as well as to assist it when necessary and overall, serve as examples of the quality that CamaroZ28.Com is known for.
If you would like to join the CamaroZ28.Com Moderator Team and feel you can make a difference, help grow and strengthen the community and be a dedicated part of it, we would like to hear from you.
Volunteering to be a CamaroZ28.Com Moderator is appreciated, but please understand a few things before proceeding.
What you WON’T experience as a CamaroZ28.Com Moderator:
- Power above and beyond what is required to benefit the greater good of the site community
- A opportunity to control, dictate, or be superior to anyone else
- A big paycheck or a free Camaro
What you WILL experience as a CamaroZ28.Com:
- A feeling of satisfaction knowing that you dedicated yourself to a large automotive community and helped shape the future of it.
Yes, that is it but some find that incredibly valuable and well worth the effort. If you will find value in volunteering as well, please complete the following form:
[gravityform id=”3″ name=”CamaroZ28.Com Moderator Application” ajax=”true”]