Need help looking for my Dads old 1971 RS
Need help looking for my Dads old 1971 RS
About 22 years ago my Dad got his first Camaro impounded and he didn't have the money at the time to get it out so he never did,it was a 1971 Rally Sport.The car was a real Rally Sport with the split bumper, not a clone, it wasn't a Z28 or Super Sport so there was no spoiler just rounded out. Before it got impounded he got into an accident so the car should have damage from that. While fixing it he replaced the front end with a Z28 RS split bumper with the Z28 badge. So if you or anyone you know that has a 1971 Camaro rally sport that is or was Matte black that they got from an impound yard 20 years ago in San Jose Ca, I would really like to know.